19 April, 2014

Dancing Dunows

 That's what is called an oxymoron.
We all possess such grace and rhythm.  Olivia had her 2 grade music program a few weeks ago. She participated in the 3rd grade program because she's in a combined class.
 Their Music Teacher taught the children four folk dances.  The children then taught  their partner the dance.  So Anna, Soren and Troy all became Olivia's student/dance partner.
To say it was outrageously crazy is an understatement.  It was loud and disorganized, but the kids loved it.
 At one point in one of the dances, Anna had to skip down the center of the isle.
Look at those legs of hers!  She's like a running puppy.  I was so proud of her though.  She hopped, skidded, stumbled right along side her little sister.

 One of the best things about Troy is that he always gets involved with what ever his kids are doing.  Partly because he is still one himself.  He was most definitely the tallest person there.  All the kids are laughing at him.  

 He could barely make it under the bridge.

As you can see, I opted out of dancing due to my bunion hurting.  Good excuse?

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