20 August, 2015

New Mexico Visit

Our family was really lucky to have our dear friends Heather and Jamie come and stay with us for a week.  We have known them since our kids were just starting school.  It had been over 4 yeas since we had seen each other and it was amazing to have them here!  Jamie had grown up so much.  I loved hearing the kids laugh all the time.  
 We took them on one of my favorite walks.  

 It's crazy to me how Heather seems to never age.  She has way more energy than I do too.  I on the other hand and definitely "grown".

I don't say this enough to you Heather.  I love you so much.  Your friendship, wisdom, humor and empathy mean the world to me.  You have known me while I've gone through life changes.  Never have you torn me down or criticized how I've done things.  Your life at times has not been easy, yet here you are.  I'm constantly amazed at how much you give to people. Thanks for the wonderful visit!  

Gorilla days of Summer

Instead of the Dog days of Summer here, we're going all out Gorilla.  What do you expect from us Dunows.  We had a house full of extra kids one evening.  The little girls all had ball gowns on and the bigger kids were just being goofy.  Our neighbor put on the infamous gorilla suit.  It thought we would have fun going around the neighborhood knocking on doors with her wearing that.
 It was this little girls B-day and I had made her a bunch of flower clips for her hair.  She wanted to wear them all at once.
 I'm pretty sure we had some people watching out their windows thinking we're crazy.  
We are!
 Ella had a too short prom dress with Doc Martens.  
 Anna had thrown on a black dress over her clothes.  Here we were trying to sneak up to our neighbors dinner party.  He saw and heard us coming.
This is all just the norm for us.  I love having the kids playing around like this.  My stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

Mom made this costume sooooo many years ago to scare girls at Girls Camp.  I had to replace the mask.  I wasn't able to find a gorilla face, the monkey face does just fine.  Still makes small children cry and adults scream.
Side note- We are all wearing coats and sweatshirts.  Hello, it's the middle of August!

17 August, 2015

First Calgary Stampede.

Troy took Olivia and Soren to the Big Ol' Calgary Stampede a few weeks ago.  The older girls and I opted out for several reasons.  It was hot and crowded but the kids ended up having a wonderful time.
 Kids learned how to line dance.
I'm so glad Anna didn't go.  There must of been a hundred of these mascot things there.  

 Olivia thought this was pretty funny to take a pic with.  Let's see how happy we can make Mom!
 The parade was just right outside of Troy's work in downtown Calgary.  One of his co-workers kid was there and watched the parade with them.