19 September, 2016


While in Montana, we went boating for a few hours.  The kids all thought it was wonderful. 
 I can't stand how cute this little person is. 
I have to admit, seeing an American flag was fun.

As you can see from the pictures, Olivia had a blast.  I on the other hand, was trying to stave off a major panic attack.  I'm not a fan of water that you can't see the bottom of.  It's the whole scared of sturgeon thing.  Blame it on my brothers.  I was really surprised to see Olivia get in the water and not care.

As you can see from the pictures, Olivia had a blast.  I on the other hand, was trying to stave off a major panic attack.  While camping in Montana, we spent a few hours on the lake.  I'm not a fan of water that you can't see the bottom of.  It's the whole scared of sturgeon thing.  Blame it on my brothers.  I was really surprised to see Olivia get in the water and not care.

I ended up in the water thanks to Jeff.  It was like having exposure therapy for me.  I was doing fine until Gio said he felt a fish and then my brain exploded.  It was all I could do, to remember to breathe.  I think the next time we go on a boat, I'll stay out of the water! 
I really am so lucky to have such wonderful neighbors up here in Canada. 

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