24 February, 2015

Another post about birds

 I have to start off by saying how lovely the mornings are here when the fog is thick.  It smells of ocean, you can literally taste it.  I love to sit by the window with a steaming cup of coffee and watch the fog lift.   The picture below is of the field behind the house.  The big pine trees in the middle usually have bald eagles perched on top watching out for food.

 As my family will tell you, I will sit and just watch and listen for birds.  Last fall I was working out in the yard and a flock of Canadian geese flew what seemed like inches from my head as they were taking off from the field.  I could hear the air going through their feathers.

 These birds are some kind of hawk.  I think.  I took these pics sitting on my front porch steps.
 I see them a lot.  They like the tree outside my front door.  They are so gorgeous. 

 This pair of bald eagles are nesting in a huge tree off of Axton Rd.  I had Troy take me for a drive one day so I could get some pics of them.  It's funny, they know I'm taking pics.  They will look right at me.
 It's right off the road.  It has surprised my how common it is to see bald eagles here.  We see them all the time.

It looks like a pond right by the tree, but it's a field that has flooded.  I love it when we get to just drive around the country side.  After I had Logan, Mom would pic me up and we would go for drives for hours.  We would pull over some where so I could nurse him and off we would go again.  Sometime Mom would spot some kind of berry that we would stop and pic, using whatever container we had available.  Sometime we would spot wild asparagus.  Other times we find some neat rock or old piece of wood that she would need to haul home.  She loved birds as much as I do and we would always find some.  I'm thankful I had those times with her.  Now I get to have those times with Troy.  Sometimes it's the only time we have alone together!  

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