20 August, 2014

Graffiti part 1

 I drove by this ally the other day and knew that Leah and I needed to do pics here.  Love all the bright colors. So what if it was a little bit sketchy.  So what that we were a witness to a drunk driver hitting a building.  So what if I had to give a statement to the police.
It was sooo much fun.  These kids here are amazing.  Smart, funny, beautiful and they value their friendships.
The first picture of Anna and Ella was hysterical from the first.  Anna just doesn't like the fact that her "little" sister is taller than her!

 I did a lot of yelling at certain kids(ZACH) who wouldn't play along.  
 He got right into the spirit when I threatened him.  I was telling the kids to be thug.  OMG, I was dying.  Alex just didn't know how to bring his inner thug out.

 It's just fun to let them do their own thing and watch how different everyone reacts.  
Um, you will notice who's the most dramatic.

 I told everyone to do jazz hands.  Poor Zach was determined not to do jazz hands.
Alex, you knocked them out of the park.  Anna, only one hand is working dear.  Miranda is a natural.  It's the dancer in her.
 See how good Zach looks doing jazz hands.  Now wasn't that fun?
 Now he is silently swearing at me.

 This is what I love to watch.  These two.
 Not a good pic below but I thought it was cool how Anna's head looks with the graffiti.
 Miranda is a very talented dancer.  She has the most graceful way she moves.  Even walking or sitting down.  Even if she's being silly, it's still graceful.

 It's our @littlemissfreespirit at work
Minutes later a drunk driver bashed into that wall.

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