04 February, 2016

Sunset sledding

There hasn't been an abundance of snow this year in Calgary.  I guess I can't complain, although I do love the snow.  Last week before dinner, we tried to get some sledding in. Before we even got to the hill, Soren took Anna down at the knees and they had a brawl.  Love it when my kids fight.
We have a fantastic view of COP and of the mountains.

Soren all bundled up.  It was cold and windy that evening.

 Jeff's kids slide down and he hauls the sleds up for them.  I love that my kids are old!  I just stand at the top of the hill and watch every climb up the hill over and over.  It would do me good to climb up that hill over and over!  

 Anna was singing "Do you want to build a snowman" to Ella.  Find it funny that their names are so similar to those in the movie.
A lot of snow balls thrown.  Anna got Cambie.  That's what started the brawl on the way to the hill.
This was so freaking cute!  Della wanted to hit that jump soooooo bad.  She literally got to the very top of it and stopped.  Don't ever say Della didn't finish something.  Those little feet came right down and she pushed herself over the tippy top. Boy was she proud of herself for hitting that gigantic hill.
As Jeff and I are some of the most brilliant parents out there, we put huge snowballs on the sleds and sent our kids down on them.  I don't know about Barb, but Troy would of been very proud.
It is of course one of the very safest ways to sled.

Safe.  Very safe.
Olivia crashed and was pinned by the snowball.  I was to busy laughing until Soren went and jumped on top of it, nearly busting her legs off.  I knew they weren't broken when she took off after him trying to beat him up.  Dang, I love nights like those.  It got even better when I went home because Troy had a hot dinner ready for us.

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