16 June, 2015


Disclaimer- I have the most patient daughters in the world.  They put up with the most crazy Mother out there!  
I had taken theses photos weeks before we moved.
Ya'll know how much I love taking pictures, dressing kids up, flowers, nature, blaa, blaa, blaaa.  Well I had noticed my lilacs had come into bloom, so what did I do?  Photo shoot with my girls!  Geez, they put up with a lot!  I made Ella wear a very small purple dress to match the lilacs and put tons or bug infested lilacs in her hair.  
She deserves a medal.  I poked and stuck lilacs and bobby pins into her head and she just dealt with it.  Just a few squeals and fits because of the bugs.  She's a tuff gal!

 This is how I roll.  PJ's curtsy of the Porter's, and TWLOHA shirt.  
I had to do some bribing and yelling for me to put flowers in my gorgeous daughters hair.  Did I mention the flowers had bugs in them?

 I probably should of grabbed a foot stool.  My children are gifted with their Fathers height  

 Miranda Sings would appreciate  my Crocks.  Troy thinks they are soooo sexy. Hehe!.

 Anna was my helper through this.  She had grabbed some socks and shoes out of my closest.  She thought it was pretty cool she was tall enough to take pictures of her feet. The only lens I have is a 55- 200.  

 Oh yes, she has terrible allergies.  I'm such a great Mom.

 I got some great pics.  Ella is a strong powerful, feminine young lady.  She has amazing strength and courage and is sensitive and caring.  

 When I grab my kids and make them do these crazy photo shoots, my main goal is to have fun.  By no stretch of the imagination am I a professional  I do this for fun.  I do this because this is how we end up.

 We laugh and play.

 I told Anna I wanted to see if I could take a picture of her leaping across the yard.
  I can't recreate these moments.  I am so lucky I have funny beautiful, uncoordinated daughters that will play dress up with their weird unbalanced Mother.

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