14 September, 2014

Anna's Birthday Dinner.

Happy Birthday to my Baby Girl Anna.  She turned 17!  One of these days we hope that she will learn how to walk right without tripping on air.  She has many more years to practice the whole walking skill.  
She had a few of her close friends over for dinner and a bon-fire.  Lea and Mariah were absent and it was so quiet!  Missed the girls.

 Troy and I were looking through these pictures and realized how classy it was that we have a Logan's old BMW car hood propped up in our yard for target practice.  OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO CUTER FOLK.

 My girls are really fortunate to have some amazing, kind, hilarious, good kids as their friends.  I know I keep saying it, and people probably get tired of hearing it, but it's so true when I say I have the greatest kids.

 Their laughter in nonstop and contagious.  One of the best things in life is seeing your child smile!
The picture below is of Anna and Olivia trying to touch their tongue to their nose.  Yes, Anna can do it!  Poor Zach is going, what else?

 The hamburger cake was so appropriate for Anna.  She's the big meat eater in the family and loves a big ol' hamburger.  On a side note, the other day Anna and I stopped of at McDonald's for Big Macs.  I took both beef patties off mine and Anna devoured hers.  Yuck!
Then there is the HUGE fact that Anna loves her food.  I don't buy corn dogs anymore because of Soren's food allergies.  The other day she was craving them so I bought Morning Star meat free corn dogs.  I thought she was going to do me bodily harm.  I did end up getting her some real-meat corn dogs and she almost wept for joy.
I'm excited to see where the future takes her.  She has so many amazing talents.  (Anna, burping is not an amazing talent.  I repeat, not an amazing talent.)  Happy Birthday!.

After I down load my phone pics to the computer, I will post on Logan's b-day.  He's never around long enough for me to snap a quick pic as he's running out the door.  I just see remnants of things giving me proof he's been around.  Food wrappers by the TV,  Wet towels on the bathroom floor.  His contact case on the sink still full of solution.  

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