25 September, 2013

Not gonna happen.

Troy and I have decided that Anna is done growing up.  She could stop right now.  First my oldest turns 18, and now Anna 16!  Let me just say Anna is an incredible young lady.  She's grown up to be this confident, funny, loud, crazy person.  What?  Little shy, bashful, quiet Anna?  It's so nice for me that she loves to cook and help out in the kitchen....until cleanup.  She helps with the younger kids.  She's the best big sister to her siblings.
Now she just need to grow into her legs and arms to where she isn't hurting herself all the time.  In the meantime I need to go pad all the corners of our house.


Where did time go?
I've been thinking of what I wanted to say about this huge milestone for Logan and I.
Huge for Logan because he legally becomes an adult.  Huge for me because he's almost ready to leave me.
I had Logan just after I turned 20.  I was young Mother who had no clue what she was doing.  In a lot of way's Logan and I have grown up together. We are both stubborn and opinionated.  We tend to butt heads a lot.
I'm proud of who he is working to become.  I'm proud of how hard he works to get what he wants.
He's proven to everyone how strong he can be.
I love him more than I can express.  My firstborn child.  

I think they love Elliot, just a little!

Soren grabbed my camera and was trying to catch Anna throwing the ball.  It had to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.  Troy had hung up a tennis ball from the ceiling in the garage for me so I wouldn't know when to stop.  Of course the kids promptly tore it down.  Elliot loves to play with it.  I twirl it really fast and let it go.  Elliot takes off after it and brings it back...well most the time.
Anna couldn't' quite get the hang of when to let go of the string.  It was going in all sorts of directions and hitting all of us.  Not surprising,.

 Elliot is in his element here.  He loves the fields where he catches a scent and takes off.  Luckily he comes when called unlike Izzie.

 Elliot is a very affectionate dog.  Anna has taught him how to dance.

 He would think he would be a better dance partner if he had better breath!
We sure have loved having Elliot becoming part of our family.

Crazy Custer's

 Can I just say that I am so thankful for my wonderful friends here in Custer.  There is nothing better to sit back, relax and laugh until your stomach hurts.  What also nice about this wonderful family is our kids and their kids are all friends. Just wanted to say thank you to Sarah and Dustin for giving us the chance to "chill".

 Aren't these twins just the cutest?  Hey Kyle?  What is my first name?

 Sarah's Dad Jerry, taught my kids how to play boccie ball the other night.  Loving the socks Soren.

 Most of all thank you to Dustin for having some type of smoked meat for Troy to eat!

Nightmare nap

Troy has a wonderful little box that we've nicknamed the "Drag Bag".  It has all the supplies and make up necessary to do moulage.  When Troy teaches first aid, he likes to run scenarios and have it as real as he can get.  I've learned how to do some pretty wicked injury make up!
The other day Troy lay down for a quiet nap.  Olivia got into the drag bag and made up Troy.
 Serves Troy right to think he could lay down in the middle of the day and nap!
Maybe one day Olivia, will be a professional makeup artist!

02 September, 2013

Autumn Queens

I have such wonderful daughters that put up with my crazy ideas.  One of these days they're going to protest more than that already do, and won't give in.  I wanted to take photo's of them in an autumnal crown of flowers and leaves.  Of course I think they look beautiful, while the girls think they look hysterical.

 Out of all the pictures, this one(above) is my favorite.  She looks like a hippie that would of gone to Woodstock. She's missing/growing in so many of her teeth right now and her hair is all scraggly.  It really captures who she is.