13 July, 2016

Lets go play

Since Soren and Olivia had gone camping, that left Anna, Ella and I alone for a whole day.  I grabbed some dress up play clothes and off the the park we went.  It felt really good to get outside and snap some pictures.  I need to make more time to do that for myself.  

We had a good time and ended it with a good lunch out. It was a nice break for us.

Quick Camp

Olivia and Soren went up to a group camp with our neighbors.  The rest of us came up late that Saturday night and then spent the next day there.  What an amazing drive that was.  The canola fields are all in bloom with these bright neon yellow flowers.  Mile after mile, or in Canada, Kilometer after kilometer.  Hehe.  Quite the stunning sight.  I really need to do some road trips to see more of Alberta.  We camped at Kinbrook island provincial park.  It has several small man made lakes.  Perfect for the kids to play in.

 The dogs loved the water too.  Milo got a bit worn out from it all.  The sun was perfect for a little snooze.

 Soren could of done this all day long.

 We had to keep Milo and Elliot tied up at the camp.  Elliot was literally just feet away from the ground squirrel.  It was torture for him.  I don't even know what those little guys were.  Rock chucks?  Gofers?  

It's always exciting to see new places.  We have a lot to explore here.

4th of July Canadian Style

Troy and I decided to give a 4th of July party for our friends.  We had just celebrated their Canada Day on the First of the month.  Because Troy had to go out of town, we held our gathering on the 3rd.  We had tons of food and lots of fun.  I'm continually amazed at how wonderful and kind everyone here has been to us. Our family is a little on the goofy side, so it takes some great people to be friends to us!!!!   

 There were two other Americans there.  Mike was rocking the shirt!

 Anna looks a little startled.  This was when she was fighting her elbow injury infection and was sick.  Poor thing.  

As always, Soren gets over eger to light fireworks.  Or light anything.  He almost started himself on fire when he held a firework upside down in his hand.  

Jeff, showing Soren the correct way to hold it.

Our fun was interrupted by the fire department coming to visit us followed by the police.  Fire works inside the city limits are illegal in Calgary.  Oops.  Seriously did not know that.  Apparently all the Canadian neighbors did not know that also, or just didn't want to tell us.  We had fun while it lasted.  The police officer that showed up was really great.  He told us the rules and then told all the kids they could come look at his car.  He gave out a couple of "awesome" tickets to the kids and talked to them.  They loved it.

I couldn't ask for a more fun way to celebrate.  Food, friends, fireworks......police.

05 July, 2016

energy outlet

 This fast growing child of mine started gymnastics this spring.  She has loved every second of it.
I just wish she would stop doing cartwheels in the house.