08 May, 2014

Becoming Buddies

 Elliot and Milo are finally at the point where they want to be with each other all the time.  Right now the grass in the field is really high.  The two of them will play hide and seek in it.

 This is how I feel when I run.
It's a riot to watch him.  When he stands up on his hind legs, all the extra skin falls down around his tail.  He runs like my kids too.  All legs and arms.

Milo fit right in to our family.  When he walks down in the morning to the bus stop, he cries when the kids get on the bus.  One morning I tied him up on a line that screws into the ground.  I didn't want to deal with his crying.  We could hear him all the way down the driveway.  All of a sudden we see him running down the driveway with a 20 ft. metal/plastic tie attached to the screw that goes in the ground.  He had pulled it off and ran to the kids.  Needless to say, I have to take him with me from now on.  So glad we have him!

I know Troy Loves Me

 You know how I know?
These little piggies. On this particular evening he helped me keep an eye on them while they did some grazing.  I can't stand how cute and funny they are.  
Seriously!  Look at those lips.  Every time I hold Cunuck, I think of what my nephew Chaz used to say about Logan when he was a baby.  Logan was just a few months old and Chaz a few years old.  Chaz was fascinated by the fact that Logan didn't have any teeth.  Cute little Chaz would say "Baby Logan has no whips".  He was trying to say lips, and was meaning teeth.
So to this day, we still say that.
 Mo is anti- social.

 Besides their cute little mouths, I love their back feet.  I wanted to get a picture of the feet.  Troy tried to hold them for me.  Their just to wiggly.  See what he does for me?  He tells me all the time he can't stand the little things. 
Um......I don't think so.  They sure love him!

04 May, 2014

Rock Skipping

 A few weeks ago I decided that we needed to have a rock skipping contest.  I had been finding and collecting the best rocks for skipping.  I planned a time where Logan would be at work so I could win. So down to the pond we went.
 Troy spent some time teaching the kids how to throw it properly.  Pretty soon Soren had the hang of it and was skipping up to 4 times.

 Olivia however, just couldn't get the knack of it.  Maybe it was because she wouldn't put her baby Darcie down.
 Like always the kids spent time pretending to push each other in.  There is a reason I'm not in any of these pics.  This was one of those lazy pj and sweatshirt kind of days.
I think Soren ended up winning.
 On the way back up the house, I asked the kids to just for me.  I ended up having to sit down I was laughing so hard.

 Ella and I just stood back and laughed at everyone.  I ended up standing back while they walked up the hill to our house.  I had one of those moments where your struck with such a sense of amazement.  I'm so incredibly lucky to have such an amazing family.  A husband who loves to play with his family.  Kids that love each other.  Most of the time!  Wonderful pets to share our lives with.  A house in the country where I can be away from it all.  Most of all I'm thankful that I have so much laughter in my life.

I had handed Ella the camera while I was skipping some rocks.  She snapped this of Anna.  So lovely.

Silly girls

This was quiete something to watch.  Zebra print onesies.  
Hey Leah.  What does the fox say?
Don't smack me please.
Anna's friends have a Youtube channel.  Their at https://www.youtube.com/user/EmilyandMiranda01
The girls were making a video.  You should of heard the squealing and laughing.  I crept around to the side of the house and took a few pics.

The very talented Little Miss Free Spirit

Our dear friend Leah is the most amazing photographer and she's only 13!  Leah is Ella's BFF, so Ella and Anna get to be her models all the time.  Lucky me!  I love having photo's taken of my children.  
It amazes me how creative these girls are.  When ever they are together, a photo shoot pops up.  
Leah's instagram is at @littlemissfreespirit
 These girls get very silly when they get together.  

 I'm so lucky to have such beautiful, talented, funny daughters.  
I'm lucky my daughters have funny, talented and beautiful friends.