24 October, 2014

Falling leaves

I told Troy yesterday that I needed to get out and take more pictures.  It's one of the things that makes me relaxed and happy, and boy does my family want me happy!  I grabbed Anna today and had her put on something other than her band t's, black pants and Doc Martins.  I love to dress my girls up.  Doesn't matter how old they get.  Anna is probably rethinking her plan to live with us forever!

 I told her to pick up a bunch of leaves to throw up in the air.  They were a bit too soggy for that!

I'll have more of these later.  As with doing pictures, we laugh more than anything!

14 October, 2014

Grunge, Not

All the kids now days are wearing flannels around their waist.  A bit of the grunge look.  It brings me back to the days of Nirvana.  I though it would be really funny to have family pics of all of us in flannels.  I grabbed Leah and had her take pics for us.  She puts up with a lot from our family.  I may of had to bribe Logan with extra cash for gas money to do these pics!
 It was raining and getting dark but I made everyone do this anyway.  Troy has been gone so much, I didn't know when we would have another chance again.  Plus this is Washington.....it rains.
Logan was making Anna have the heeby jeebies from his beard.
 Love it!

 My girls and their Doc Martins.  They should of been growing up in the 90's!

 I hope Soren never grows into his ears.  I love to chew on them.

 20 years we have been married.  20 years of this!  It's been great.
Thanks Leah for humoring us and taking some funny pics.  More to come!

Running away

You all know those days where you just want to run away?  Well I had hit my brick wall and needed to escape for an hour or so, just to clear my head and breath.
I grabbed my camera and started driving.  It's nice living in the country where I can just pull over on the side of the road and take pics.

 Of course I needed to get some snap shots of these beautiful ladies.  I spent some time talking to a few of them.  Then I cried because they reminded me of Clara Bell, our old milk cow.  Then of course I think of Mom.  So there I was out in the middle of the country, on the side of the road with my camera, talking and crying to the cows.
That's normal, right?

 I love this lane.  I want one like it someday.  

 It was wonderful to have the windows rolled down while I drove.  Northwest Washington in the fall smells amazing!  The leaves, pine, ocean.  I could do without all the cow poop smells!
I had the radio off.  Just the sounds of life going on around me.  I need to do this more often because it really does help me center myself.  After a while I headed home to this perfect little lady.  Sweet Poppy was there to great me at the door.
I feel really lucky to be living here.  By far it's the most beautiful place I have ever lived.

Why I laugh a lot

 I have beautiful daughters.  What I love most about them is their sense of humor.  They can be all posed like above, then this the next second.


 This was a photo shoot Leah did of the girls a while back.  This is what the girls end up doing.

Thanks Leah for capturing the true sense of who these two wackos are!

06 October, 2014

Autumn Fairy

I love the world of fairies and make believe.  
I love autumn.
I love to take pictures.
I love my Little Miss Muffet
So what do I do?  Make an Autumn Fairy costume!

We have some much fun taking pictures.  It's just an excuse for us to play!

 She's such a Fairy Fashionista!