22 August, 2013

Crab Castle

 We hit the beach today while the tide was CLEAR out.  I'm not a fan of walking through all that seaweed.  Ick!
Speaking of icky things, I walked around the beach and found all the crab shells for the kids sand castle they were making.
 Soren kept finding clams and wanting to bring them home.  I made him set them free.  I pulled the "they need to go back to their family" thing on him.
I just didn't want smelly clams left in our van!

 My beautiful girls!  I did the wonderful hair style Anna is rocking!

 Can't stand how cute her feet were.

 I ended up in the action, getting all covered in sand.

Soren and Olivia brought along their friend Joey.
What a wonderful way to spend the day!


Elliot is the newest member of the Dunow Bunch.  We are the luckiest of families to have gotten him.  He is two years old.  Mother was a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Dad was a German Short Hair Pointer.  I probably got that backwards.  Oh well, he's a beautiful dog.  

Elliot is so well behaved.  Izzie and Elliot get along wonderfully.  The cat's can't stand either dog so it doesn't matter.  My little Guinea Pig men are up on a table, out of harms way now.  One big happy family.

 The reason the his last owner were waning to get rid of him was because he acquired a taste for their chickens.  This isn't good for a hunting/working/bird dog.  They were actually going to shoot him.  
So know we have a very loving energetic dog.  I'm amazed at how smart he is.
 We won't be using him for hunting or retrieving birds.  I will be doing some field training with him, just to keep him happy and mentally stimulated.  Elliot is with us just to enjoy life and to be loved.
Something in which he wants.  So for right now, we're trying to get him fattened up a bit, worming him and giving him lot's of affection.
Oh, and poor Izzie.  Elliot is making her so tired!

14 August, 2013

Bath time for the Piggies

Who knew how much I would love these little guys?  Most people get guinea pigs for their children.  I get guinea pigs for myself.  The kids and Troy laugh at me when I talk to them.  What's really funny, is that I catch them talking them all the time.  

 I can just kiss those little lips.

 Mo did not like having a bath!
Canuck didn't mind it so much.  He's also much more calm having his nails trimmed.  Mo is just mad all the time.  My goal in life is to melt his little cold heart.  
Good life goal!

Mr. Mo, as I call him and Cunuck just add a little more craziness to our household.  More for the kids to love.  More for me to love.  More for Troy to cuss at every morning as he tries to get breakfast.  
The second Troy opens up the fridge in the morning the piggies go crazy.