25 May, 2013

Num Num oysters

Anna got to try a BBQ oyster the other night at our friends B-day party.  She ended up liking them and eating more.  It was priceless to watch her try the first one.  Next up?  Raw oysters.

21 May, 2013

Magical little homes.

One of my hobbies is making Fairy houses.  Back when my older children were small, I started them on making them.  We would go hiking and gather things to build them with.  Now I'm to the point where it's just my two little ones that will still build with me.  The great part about this is the forest is right next to our house.  I love to take the kids exploring of new things.

I tried to go out to the forest the other day, but there was a gardener snake right at the beginning of the trail.  I squealed, jumped around and then ran inside the house where I was safe from the snake.

I decided to put them in the little garden spot by the front walkway.  We have just started on it.  Olivia wants to put Fairy lights up. Soren and Olivia are making walkways from each of the houses.  It's so fun to watch them work to build this little town.  When other little kids see it, their faces light up and they're fascinated.  Such a magical thing for a little one.

I have found it relaxing for me to work on the houses and garden.  I could sit for hours and do this.  I'm outside, working with things from nature.  With all the enjoyment that comes from this, comes the teasing from certain older guys in the house.  Good thing I don't care!

17 May, 2013

Mr. Canuck

Yes, this is what I do when all the kids are at school.  
I play with my guinea pigs.

 I'm sure Canuck isn't getting much enjoyment out of it.  In fact I'm pretty sure he's horrified to be dressed up in doll clothes.  Although, I think he would love the mustache in real life.  To bad it was photo shopped.

12 May, 2013

My Dearest Mother.

Happy Mother's Day.
This is for you Mom.

This is the best feeling in the world.  All my children laughing together.  You know how Olivia's sounds.

Had to throw the pic of Izzie in.  She was wanting to get her picture taken too.
Always my baby, Olivia.  Her laugh is priceless.
My best Mother's Day gift ever, Soren. His hugs are extra special. 

My beautiful Ella.  "You don't know your beautiful."  1D
Mrs. Anna Horan, with a wicked sense of humor and beauty to knock to boys down.

Mom, this is the hardest for me to grasp.  My first born is almost an adult.  It's ironic because I always thought him too wise for his years.  I'm so thankful I have him.
I'm the luckiest of Mother's to have such amazing kids.
Of course I have him to help me out!  He's given me the opportunity to be a stay at home Mom and be with the kids.

I don't know where to start, I have so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind and heart.  I know that your not going to be with us much longer.  I spend my days thinking of what you mean to me, what you have taught me and what I mean to you. 

My childhood memories are filled with hugs and kisses from you.  I loved it when you would hold my hand, and I still do.  Your hands where always so strong and tan from spending your days working in the yard and with your animals.  Strong hands that would sew my wedding dress, complaining because your rough skin would snag the fabric.  While I was with you in April, I sat and held your hand knowing it could be the last time I did that.  Your hands have changed.  Soft and scarred, but they still tell me that your my Mother.

You have given me direction and guidance in becoming the Mother I am today.  My children are my everything.  I know one day I will have to let them go, just as you have done with your children.  Loving them and worrying never goes away.  I realize that now as my children grow up.  

I know I have hurt you with the decisions I have made in the last several years.  We have different beliefs, different opinions on many things.  Just know that I am the happiest emotionally I have ever been.  I'm finally confident on who I am and what I believe in.  I still look to you for guidance and will do so even when you're gone. Your example and your life experiences will give me the answerer's when I need them.

I'm so sad this Mother's Day.  I'm not with you.  I know you're sad also, but trying to show people how strong you are.  It's OK to be sad.  I don't know how to express what I feel in my heart.  I know when I'm out working in the yard, every flower reminds me of you.   You taught me such love for nature, animals, poetry and crafts.

I truly wish you a happy Mother's day.  I couldn't ask for a more wonderful Mother.  I know your crying today.  I'm crying with you.  Feel my love for you.
I love you,

Her Hands

© Maggie Pittman
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.

Source: Her Hands, Mother Poem http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/her-hands#ixzz2T3lvOb5c 

06 May, 2013


Anna's friend from school was having her Quinceañera.  This is the celebration of the girls 15th birthday.  This gave the girls a reason to get all dolled up and go dancing.  Mariah is Anna's friend that she met from school. Talk about cute!  It was fun to watch the girls get ready.  They are both so beautiful!
 Open your eye's Mariah!
Olivia photo bombing!

 I love the lower picture!  So them.

 Seriously!  Such beauties.

What is really funny is to here me try to pronounce Quinceañera.  What is really sad is that my 7 year old can say it with a true Spanish accent.

Soren's sick?

Soren was the last of us to have this yucky cold/virus thing.  By the end of the day I was waiting for the other kids to get home from school so I could have a break.  Soren was so ready to go back to school!

Can I just say how nice it was to send all the kids off to school this morning?  Everyone is better, except for my strange case of hives.  Couldn't be happier!  The house is quiet.  

Take a breath.

The Dunow family has been getting over some nasty colds lately.  It's been taking it's time going through each one of us.  We are all better and needed to get out and breathe some fresh ocean air.  Luckily Washington's weather has decided to be nice to us.  The sun is glorious.  We were able to spend sometime down at the beach and get some much needed Vitamin D.  The kids loved it.  The water was a bit cold still.  
Don't you just love Soren's white legs?  Anna gave a good yelp when she stepped into the water.

 Speaking of white legs.......
I can't remember the last time Troy's legs have seen the sun.  We don't have to be embarrassed about it though.  Everybody else's legs are just as white as ours are!  
Izzie was happy to get out and play too.

 After playing at the beach for a while, we went for a hike.  We found a lot of places that fairies could be living.  
 When Logan got home from work later that night, he gave Troy some serious teasing about wearing shorts.  

I spent my time collecting sea shells for our fairy houses. (The kids and I are making a giant fairy house!)  Such a patient Husband I have.  He even helped me find some!