17 March, 2013

Green Spring

 Spring is here and with it, tons of rain.  Not surprising since we live in Northwest Washington.  I was a little jealous of Rio Rancho ,New Mexico this last week.
Every where you go right now there is these beauties.

 There is water coming up close to our green house.  The culvert/ drainage system just isn't able to keep up with all the rain.

 I took a little walk out to the forest to see how soggy it was.  Ted and Poppy went along with me.  The moss is so thick and bright now.  My favorite color has always been a pumpkin orange, but this moss green is incredible.  Everything is covered in it.  I joke that if we stand outside still for to long, we'll grow moss.

Can't wait for the tulips.  Loving Spring here, despite all the rain.  Guess that's wait makes it so incredible!

12 March, 2013

Olivia can moo, can you?

Olivia is all about reading lately.  Can't complain!  Reading is a major part of our family life.  As much as I love to listen to all my children read, Olivia's age is so fun to listen to.  He favorite book to read right now is Mr. Brown can moo, can you?  Defiantly one of my favorites!

I recorded this specifically for the Grandmas.  Hope it made you smile!

11 March, 2013

Billy Goat Gruff

Oh boy, does he look gruff.  This old guy lives down the road from us.  I always try to spot him and get a good shot of him with my camera, but he always seems to be hiding when I have it. 
It look like both of his horn have grown into one big spiral.  I guess we could call him an unicorn goat!

He looks like a cranky old man goat!  We always get a kick out of seeing him though.  Just one more thing to make us smile!
If you click on the picture it will make it bigger.