Happy Valentines Day to my wonderful family!
I thought I would say a little about each one on my special loved ones on this "Love" day.
I snapped this shot of Anna and Logan as they were heading off to school yesterday. I find the mornings exasperating and hilarious at the same time.
He wakes up about 40 minutes before he has to leave and proceeds to yell at everyone he comes across. Anna, get my lunch made.
Anna, where are my socks?
Anna, where's my coffee cup?
Grumble, grumble, grumble is his morning routine. He takes after me!
Even though I want to smack him up side the head most of the time, he is an amazing kid. He works so hard at school and his job. I am so proud of him. It warms my black little heart when I see him playing with his siblings. It's been funny to see how protective he has gotten over Anna. I love to watch their friendship develop. Most of all, I love his sense of humor.
Anna gets up very early to get ready for school. Makes her lunch and Logan's. Get's herself ready and most of Logan's stuff put together. Most often than not, she is helping me with the other kids lunches in the morning too. She is a loyal friend and Sister. Animals have a special place in her heart except when she's eating a bloody steak, then it's in her stomach. Anna is turning out to be an amazing cook, a very sloppy cook at that. I know it drives me crazy, but the One Direction obsession thing she has going on is hilarious.
She's so smart and caring. Slobby, bossy and caring!
My Directioner Daughter. She's worse than Anna. Ella is in that pre-teen stage that scares the living daylights out of me. Most of the time I don't know if I should treat her like a little girl or an adult. Of all my kids, she has got the biggest heart towards people. She wants to be happy, therefore everyone else should be happy. How hard is that? All my girls sing beautifully, but Ella has a knack for it. As with all my kids, Ella is so smart and amazes me with what she can do. I have to say though, she's a coffee snatcher in the morning. I could be dying, taking my last breath and she still wouldn't save me any. She's not a morning person either.
Talk about strong. Yesterday he was home with another migraine. He has suffered from these for years. He puts up with the food restrictions that he has, without too much fuss. It's hard for a nine year old to not be able to have candy, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, orange soda. You know, all the good stuff that is so bad for you. His heart is bigger than him. He's still my little boy who loves to be held and have his back rubbed. There are still kisses at the bus stopped allowed and hands to be held. I see him maturing into a young man already. His imagination is astounding and his talking incessant. Yes, we will be happy when the voice changes!
Um, this picture says it all.
I own the world.
There has to be something said for being the baby of the family. She knows how to get her own way and has Mommy and Daddy wrapped around her little finger. Having two older sister's that are obsessed with a certain boy band, it's a given that she's going to act older than she is. Only when it suits her. I've seen her swoon at the sight of "The Boys" on TV. Heard her scream like a teenager.
Then she turns around and is playing with her babies and trying to snuggle with me in bed. She's dancing in her ballet clothes, then playing Karate with Soren in the Do Jo that they made. She's made out of Sugar and Spice and Puppy Dog Tails! What's amazing as a Mother, is watching my little girl grow up to be a kind, loving person. She just is having a few set backs when she's punching or hitting her siblings.
This is mostly why I love Troy. He finally went and got his CPAP stuff done and is taken so much stress off of me! I'm finally sleeping. He makes me laugh.
He makes me laugh alot. Troy can take the stupidest things and make them funny. Most of all he's patient with me. I know I'm not the easiest person to live with. He's embraces my love of animals and birds.
I love how he has amazing relationships with each of the kids. Each one different. On the 11th of this month it was the 21st anniversary of our very first date. There are still phone calls during the day so we can chat. He still holds my hand. Most of all, after all these years, he doesn't grumble when I put my cold feet on him when I crawl into bed.
My Poppy, Ted and Izzie. I can't imagine my life with out pets. Each personality different. Right now, it's my Ted who loves to snuggle and love. He instinctively know when I need some loving. He instinctively know when to climb up on Troy and irritate him.
Each of my loved ones bring a certain dynamic into our family. We work together, fight, cry, play and laugh.
I'm an extra lucky girl on this Valentines day.