I have come to to conclusion that I will never be able to get Christmas letters out. I don't think it's in my DNA. So coming to terms with this has taken a great weight off my shoulders. Wish it was my hips, but oh well!
So instead of Christmas letters, I am going to do New Year letters. Just a recap of what has happened in each of our lives in the past year. So here we go.
He has been with the company Turner and Townsend for over a year now and loving it. He is working as an estimating consultant for mining projecs. The commute he makes to downtown Vancouver BC, Canada everyday is not his favorite but he does it because we love living in Custer, WA. His job has taken him all over Canada and he has been involved with projects in Canada, the US, Argentina, Chile and England.
I started off last year with a hurt shoulder and had surgery for it in May. It was a long recovery and I wasn't able to have the garden that I planed on. I now have use of my arm back and am making big plans for a big garden this spring. I spend my days doing Mom stuff and love it most of the time. I try to get out and explore everyday. I can't get enough of this beautiful green area. My big passion is taking pictures. My goal this year is to really learn how to take good pictures and good editing.
Logan is a Junior in High school this year. He is very active in the DECA program at school and will be going to state competition for it. In November he went to Seattle for a DECA conference and loved it. This last year has brought a lot of growing up for Logan. He got his first job working at Van Huesen outlet. All those paychecks are bringing him a little bit closer to getting his dream car. Logan was able to spend some time in Rio Rancho this summer catching up with old friends as well as having friends come visit him here. Between school, DECA, work and his social life, we don't see much of him.
I can explain Anna's year in one phrase. One Direction. She's completely obsessed. Every waking moment is spent thinking about 1D. Logan has had a nervous breakdown over it. The rule in out house is they can't say anything 1D related while we are at the dinner table. Anna started her freshman year at high school and drives to school with Logan. This Fall she got braces on her teeth and went to Homecoming. Not long after that she started drivers Ed. So many grown up things going on in her life. It's all very hard for me. I cut the apron string a little bit more right before Christmas. I let her go to a concert in Seattle with a couple of her friends. There was a Dad that drove them, but still! She's not suppose to grow up so fast! She has gotten involved in the FFA at the school and will be going to a conference out of town soon for that! On top of all that she is learning cake decorating as a hobby.
If you think Anna is obsessive about One Direction, then you haven't been around Ella enough. It's bad......real bad! She is in the sixth grade and taller than most of the teachers. She grows more beautiful by the day. Boys are falling all over her! This needs to stop. She's still my baby! School and choir are keeping her busy this year and she excels in both. I'm hoping to get her un-afraid of volley balls coming at her so she can play this next year. Use that height to her advantage. Ella loves to mow the lawn and help cook when ever she can. Just a few days ago I played "let's stump the 1D fan." Couldn't do it. She even knew what time they were born at! As always Ella is always smiling and laughing and everyone her loves like crazy. She has recently taken to jewelry making. Just one more thins to crowd into my craft room.
This year Soren in in the fourth grade and loves it. He is a whiz at math and joined the Math Olympiad. Competitions start this month. I am forever trying to get grass stains out of his pants because of his love of kick ball. When he gets home he will go into these huge stories about each game. I love it! Lego's are always on the floor in his bedroom or as I call them, small little booby traps laying on the floor. He will spend hours playing with them. As always, he is always on the go whether it's his bike, football, fishing, Lego's or video games. His migraines are getting better. Fewer and farther in between. He has seen a specialist that came in from Seattle. We know more on what triggers them and what to do for them. Red dye is the number one culprit. As a family we have had to change a lot of eating habits. It's been good for all of us.
First grade and it's tearing me up! She reads everything and it looks like she has the knack for Math also. Making friends is a gift that Olivia has. Where ever we are at she wants to make a friends with someone. A baby doll is always in her arms. On one hand she still loves to play with her babies and in the next breath she's screaming for One Direction. A big step for was when she started sleeping in her own be this last spring. It's been life changing for Troy and I! He stomach and swallowing problems have improved greatly but still have to deal with it. It doesn't help that she loves to jump rope all the time. Even when she's not actually jumping, she pretends she is. She's developed a sense of humor that has us rolling all the time.
As always our family is busy all the time. Something is always going on. I love our dinners as a family (without talk of you know who). I guess as parent's we are really lucky that our kids love to tell us everything and talk our ears off. I was impressed with the kids and my great hubby when I had my surgery. They took over everything for me. Time is flying by. Soon kids will be leaving us and starting lives of their own. Too soon. I try to make the year slow down. Love each day as it comes.
We miss our friends in New Mexico and talk about them all the time. We have made new friends here in Washington and are grateful for that! Family is far away for us and it's extremely difficult sometimes. Especially now while my Mom is sick. I could be sad and I am sometimes. There's just to much that I have here with me now not to be the happiest I could be. We wish friends and family a positive healthy year. Don't sweat the small stuff. Love, love, love!
The Dunow Family.