23 December, 2012


 A couple of weekends ago Troy cut up several trees that had blown down in a storm.  Great idea, lots of firewood for us.  Just getting out of the forest area that connects to our yard was the issue. 

 We had our friend come over with his tractor to help us out.  That got stuck.
So then he got his big truck and managed to get the tractor and our explorer out.
The whole time I laughed.  It's just so typical of how the Dunow family does things.
Out to cut up some firewood that would take an hour and then we spend the whole day getting vehicles out of the mud.
We were frozen, tired and very muddy by the time we got done.  I guess that's what happens when you live were we do.

Anna's Baking project.

 For Anna's Ag Science class, she learned how to bake and decorate cakes.  Our friend Heather was so helpful in the process.  
 Anna had practiced on several cakes but this was her final one.  This one she turned in to her teacher.  
 She made the cake from scratch.

 Heather spent a lot of time showing her how to make and use the frosting.  It's a lot harder than it looks.

This was the final cake.  She did a fantastic job on it.  The process of this project taught her a lot about where food comes from and how to make it.  Anna even got to go over to Heather's to learn how to make butter from the cream of their milk cow "Bessie".  Anna has a real knack for cake decorating and she is excited to do others in the future!

19 December, 2012

Christmas at Custer.

 The kids had their Christmas program at their elementary school.  They sang songs and read from the story The Polar Express.  It was just the kindergartner's, first and second grade that were preforming this year.  The 6th grade choir narrated the story.  Ella is in the choir this year, so she got to read some of the story.
 Olivia is in the blue.  I didn't get great pictures.  The gym was so crowded.
 Ella did a great job.  We were really proud of her.
This is Ms. Sherry with Olivia.  She's an amazing teacher.  We are really blessed with the kids going to Custer.  All the kids know one another.  The teachers know all the kids and so far we have had wonderful teachers.
The program was typical restless children trying to remember the words to the songs.  Most of the time they had their fingers up their nose or touching the kids next the them.  It's so fun to watch!

18 December, 2012

Our new blog.

I guess our other blog took up to much space with all the pictures on it.  The kids wanted to rename our blog, so I thought why not start another one?  I wanted the name to be something pretty like Bluebirds and Blackberries, but no!  I guess Dynamic does fit our family.  There is so much going on, so many personalities to accommodate.  It takes a certain Dynamic for it to all work together.

I feel that right now in our lives, that we are working together.  We are all working toward the same goal.  Peacefulness, friendship, love and harmony within our family.    We have our days and moments.  That's part of life. 

Here is to a continuation of our life story.